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Avoid These Critical Feedback Mistakes
Did you ever get tips that hurt more than they helped? Or maybe you gave help that was not taken well? I’m here to guide you through the rough part of giving tips in the tech world. When you do it or get it, doing it right is a skill. If done wrong, it can break more than it fixes. Let’s use a bit of time to learn the right and wrong ways to give tips, a key thing many tech people don’t think much about.
Tips are like the first meal of the day for the best, but if you mess it up, it can lead to big trouble. Let’s start with what you should not do.
Don’t get too close to the person. Tips should stick to what’s done and the results, not who did it. Don’t soften it too much or be too hard; being true is best, but you should also care. And don’t hit someone with tips out of the blue; when and where you do it counts.

Now, what you should do. Do pin down what you mean. Not clear words help no one, so give clear, things to do next. Do try to see good things as well; it’s not only about bad stuff but also saying yes to what’s right. And do have a talk about it. Tips go both ways.
When you get tips, be sure to hear them well and don’t fight back. See tips as a chance to get better, not as a hit. Ask for times when you did something or to make it clear so you get it fully, and say thank you for the talk.
Good tips start with thinking of respect and wanting to improve. Use ‘I’ when talking to share how you see it without pointing fingers. Build a place where tips are normal, welcomed, and used. And don’t forget to check back in. Tips with no next steps don’t work well.
Tips, when given and taken the right way, can change you and your work. It keeps you getting better and is key to do well in the always moving tech field.